How do you put your publication’s content online without undercutting its value in print? Should you stop publishing your physical magazine altogether? How can you do something in the digital realm that’s truly valuable and unique? Does every media property need a smart phone app?

Whether you’re trying to develop a full-blown multiplatform strategy or just considering a single new initiative, we can help you sort through the questions and map out a plan that extends your media brand effectively and sensibly. Among the clients we’ve assisted in this way are Acoustic Guitar, the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Greater Good, and We Wanted to Be Writers.
- Evaluate content resources, in-house expertise, and audience research
- Facilitate brainstorming of possible new directions
- Recommend strategic options and prioritize list of initiatives
- Develop sample content and prototypes
- Assist with production
- Advise on multiplatform processes and staff structures
- Train and coach staff members
- Prepare RFPs for outside contractors; evaluate proposals
If you’d like help developing a plan to meet the challenges of multiplatform publishing, please get in touch.
Learn more about our launch and revamping services. Or see a summary list of all our services.