Click on the images or titles below to learn more about how we worked with these clients to invent, launch, and improve their print and digital publications. Farther down the page is a list of lots more projects.
Dwell magazine: editorial blueprint, recruiting, marketing.
JBJS Surgical Techniques: print-to-web concept & prototypes.
Cooking Light magazine: custom editorial training.
Edutopia website: assessment of usability & navigation. Web publishing workshops.
Discovery Channels website: content & usability critiques.
Self-Care Advisor: book editing, recruiting, & consulting.
Mindful: magazine launch planning & digital consulting.
Acoustic Guitar magazine: repositioning & coaching.
We Wanted to Be Writers: website strategy & launch.
Navigenics website: content plan, prototypes, & recruiting.
AFAR magazine: editorial plan, launch, & marketing site.
MORE PROJECTS: Start-ups, tune-ups, consulting, and training
- Acoustic Guitar: website redesign consulting
- AARP Bulletin: newspaper repositioning & workshops
- Advanstar: Web publishing seminar
- AHP Publishing: magazine repositioning, workshops, coaching
- American Chemical Society: website critiques
- American Chestnut/Susan Freinkel (author): book editing
- Association of Alternative Newsmedia: conference planning
- Avalon Travel Publishing: website critique & relaunch
- Web publishing workshops, recruiting
- Baker Street Publishing: website strategy & launch
- Berklee College of Music: website usability seminar
- Berklee Press: book editing
- website launch consulting
- British Medical Journal Publishing: site usability & content critique
- Cardiology: newsletter repositioning
- CareCore: website content strategy
- Charlie Garfield (author): book author coaching
- Consumer Reports on Health: recruiting
- Endocrine Society: website strategy, content models
- Executive Travel: magazine critique
- EyeNet: magazine relaunch, management consulting, training
- FamilyFun magazine: editorial workshops
- Food & Environment Reporting Network: consulting, editing
- website launch consulting
- Frans Lanting Photography: website assessment
- Generocity: website launch consulting
- Health magazine: editorial staff training
- Heifer International: magazine relaunch, workshops, coaching
- Inc.: magazine critique
- The Informed Patient: website content plan, launch consulting
- Internal Auditor: magazine critique
- Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery: editorial retreat facilitation
- Jury Expert: newsletter assessment, relaunch
- Lifeway: Web publishing workshops
- Losing It/Laura Fraser (author): book editing
- New England Journal of Medicine: e-newsletter revamp
- Nomad Editions: mobile content launch plan
- NurseWeek: newspaper critique, editorial training
- Packard Foundation: process review, recruiting
- PC World magazine: editorial staff training
- Piano & Keyboard: magazine critique
- Play Guitar: magazine launch consulting, coaching
- Reader’s Digest: new product development
- Reed College/John Sheehy (author): book editing
- Ruralite: magazine relaunch consulting
- Science News magazine: branding
- site critique, management consulting
- Stanford magazine: editorial processes, website assessment
- Stanford Social Innovation Review: retreat, website assessment
- Strings magazine: redesign consulting, recruiting, coaching
- String Letter Publishing: editorial workshops, retreat facilitation
- Teen magazine: management consulting
- Thrive Online (AOL & Time Inc.): online launch
- Time Inc. Health: book development
- Tribal College Journal: magazine relaunch
- UCLA magazine: re-launch
- University Business: magazine launch
- VIA magazine: management consulting, recruiting, workshops
- Voice of Dance: website usability & content critique
- WebMD: Web writing workshops
- World Vision: Web usability & content workshops