ContentWise Blog

Smart Strategy: Send Visitors Away From Your Site

Nice to see The New York Times gave some ink this morning to our colleague Scott Karp and his crusade for “link journalism,” a strategy designed to send Web visitors away from your  site.

The Times reports that mainstream media sites—including those of the Times itself, The Washington Post, and NBC TV—are starting to embrace the idea.

Scott has long championed link journalism through regular postings on his incisive blog, Publishing 2.0. The basic idea is that you can provide a great service to your audience by filtering and aggregating links to the most interesting and relevant content that is scattered across other sites around the Web.

Many magazines, newspapers, and other nervous Web publishers still question the wisdom of pushing visitors away. Scott offers this one-word rebuttal: Google.

“It’s all about sending people away,” he told the Times, “and it does such a good job of it that people keep coming back for more.”