A first-time publisher brought us in to refine his preliminary concept for an “experiential travel” magazine and to help launch it. We defined and fleshed out the content strategy, structure, and style of the publication, creating a detailed editorial blueprint, complete with story ideas and sample lineups for the first several issues.
Susan West was then engaged as the magazine’s launch editor. She hired and trained the editorial staff, working with them to produce the first four issues. We also spear-headed the production of an early marketing site for the magazine and developed a direct mail campaign.
- After debuting successfully in the fall of 2009, Afar was named best travel magazine for 2010 in the prestigious Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition. (It took a silver medal in 2011.)
- Afar was cited as one of the fastest growing magazines, increasing its circulation 45% from 2010 to 2011, when it surpassed 110,000 subscribers.
“The writers waste no time in grabbing my attention, and their first-person tales bring to life true adventures as wide-ranging as baking baguettes in Paris and gathering road kill in Tasmania. Add beautiful pictures and well-plotted design and this new magazine leaps to the top.”